Client approved a design 2 months ago. I follow the design and build functionality based on the design and on budget.

What does client do... Doesn't want the site built says it doesn't follow their paper catalog. What paper catalog? I never got a paper catalog from design to follow. Three additional weeks later rebuilt the core of the site's functionality. And the final cost is 2.5 times over budget. Screw you Unnamed attorney search engine.

  • 6
    You shouldn't have re-done it without payment for the first "agreed" version. Now you're way out of pocket. That's what contracts are for. They need to pay but without a proper contract and paper trail, you are screwed. Clients are cunts, you have to assume that to stay in business.
  • 1
    @helloworld I couldn't agree more. That's the clients responsibility. This is why we have demos
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