
I'm on day 8 of starving myself to death challenge!

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    Keep us updated when you succeed!
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    Come on Kiki, you're a programmer. Automate. Write a program that doesn't eat for you while you go and have a buffet.
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    Wait why?
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    reminds me of this
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    @Demolishun What are tide pods?

    I am js dev, so stupid question is a must!
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    @devJs I didn’t know it as well. Perfect thing to ask chatgpt.

    Classical translators are useless for that.
    "Gezeitenkapsel" 🤦‍♂️
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    @devJs @Lensflare

    You never heard of the Tide Pod challenge?!


    Kind of shocked. It was always a running joke back then.
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    I am assuming you are doing some sort of cleanse/flush? I hope you are okay.
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    @Demolishun now that you mention it, I might have heard about it.

    My first association though was those things from Baldur's Gate 3. How are they called? Tadpoles? Something like that.
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    That moment when you don't know if this is serious or a meme...
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    @12bitfloat my imagination:
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    I found this image the other day, and it still gives me anxiety.
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    @Demolishun who does he remind me of? John Carmack? Bill Gates?
    Is that from a different timeline where he never invented Windows?
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    @Demolishun yeah, no clue, we have different brand but i was thinking about those dishwasher tablets and then i tought why the f*** would he had bag of those???

    Eastern europe is a shithole, we don't have 1st world problems except maybe @b2plane, he has a lot of problems in general but that's another story.

    I digress, but tbh I didn't know it was a thing, like, for real!
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    @Lensflare what a Scheiße answer from translators!
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    @Lensflare maybe he invented Doors in that timeline which has more sense since he's Gates!
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    @devJs not knowing about trending stupidity in the western world isn't a character fault. It is probably healthier not knowing the depth of human stupidity. I am so sorry to drag you down to this cesspit. lol
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    @Demolishun lol, no worries, i am curious by nature, so this is something that sounds bizarre to me but it's good to know what are people around the world going through.

    Sometimes it's just curiosity, and sometimes I just feel better about my life seeing weird shit I don't have to deal with and thinking to myself: well, that's one more thing why I am having it better than the people having to deal with that shit!

    So basically it's either curiosity or coping mechanism for me!
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