
Starving myself to death challenge, day 9, here I go!

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    Please no die soon
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    Dude just go with intermitent fasting, you might try 18/6 ratio if you want quicker results. Also drink a lot of fresh squeezed juice if you can, that shit helps a ton.

    Because youget nutrition faster, without waiting for your stomach to digest fibers, so it has that cleansing effect witjout you feeling postprandial somnolence(food coma)

    If you want to cleanse properly use spirulina pills. Zeolite clinoptilolite can also help to remove excess heavy metals but requires to drink a lot more water, which is also good, don't worry about electrolytes, you get plenty of needed stuff from spirulina, also if you can get ionized magnesium it would be great as it works wonders.

    I have some more aces in the sleeve if you need extra cleansing, but this should be good step.

    The main thing is that you eat quality food all the time so no junk, fried or heavily processed foods.

    You don't have to starve yourself to death!
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    @jestdotty with right supplements and quality food that is sadly hard to find you can get everything your body needs.

    I am vegan in meat eating community, its like way of living here - it's fucking weird if you don't eat meat.

    It gets annoying when uninformed troglodyte carnivores trying to look smart asking stupid questions and then just disregard everything that i tell them and when they see how much i know about nutrition in general they all disregard me by: yeah you prolly watched some youtube and got info from internet so not legit!

    Can't argue with stupid people. I am not forcing anyone to anything, idc what others are eating, i am not "i use arch, btw" kind of vegan, but here and there some troglodyte gigachad wants to confront me about "proteins and minerals and stuff" when they hear that i don't eat meat.

    I absolutely don't understand people who are ofended by my choices about me that affects nobody but me. Its ridiculous and utterly stupid.
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    @jestdotty water does not contain vitamins. unless you enrich it, which makes it $FancyVitaminSolution instead of water.
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    @jestdotty look, i really don't care what are people eating as long as they don't force me. I am not judgemental about that at all. Look everyone has a choice, everyone is responsible for himself.

    BTW I also hate those kind of people preaching about stuff(animals, typescript, linux) like they are better than others and having audacity to tell others what should they do!

    What you do to yourself is your responsibility and choice. I also don't think that I have the right to impose things on others.

    I also think that if something is good to me it doesn't mean its good for everyone else.

    Make your own choices and hold responsibility about yourself, also don't let others to force you to something you don't want or if you feel it isn't right for you!

    It's simple really, but morons are fucking complicated! XD
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    @devJs I do and will continue to get my depressed friends to psychiatrists I trust. Just like we do CPR on unconscious ppl assuming it's in their best interest, I know all too well how quickly a depressed person becomes too stupid to even realize they should seek help. I'll do that for them. I did it several times, all leading to ppl making full recovery and thanking me.

    It took me years to find good doctors, with one bad so-called “doctor” almost killing me.

    I'm bipolar type 1, and I can spot clinically depressed people very quickly by just talking to them and seeing how they talk/think.
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    @devJs yes, I assume that having friends, working, earning money, going out, maintaining hygiene, cleaning their apartment and generally being a functional human being is better for them than laying in bed all day, eating and eating and eating while anxiously scrolling tiktok and never showering.
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    That's another category, it's always good to offer and give helping hand to those in need and need can be poverty, illness or something else.

    I do that when i see it
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    @devJs it's not just that, but I will force them to attend at least one session with my trusted psychiatrist, by all means necessary. I'm willing to even lie and manipulate to get them to go to the doctor. I accept the consequences. I'll only do what I wish was done to me when I was too dumb to even read text from a screen.

    I highly advise people against following the same strategy, as bad psychiatrists do exist, and they do kill people/ruin lives. I have a trusted one that I actively communicate with.
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    @devJs if they want to stop talking to me after that, so be it. If they want to refuse further therapy and treatment, so be it. Fun fact: no one refused therapy so far, and I've seen nothing but gratitude towards my decisions.
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    @jestdotty i gotta ask - are you an LLM set to "gibberish"?
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    @jestdotty it's just that your answer is as nonsensical as an LLM with the heat-parameter turned Up To Eleven
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    @tosensei as much as I don’t want to dunk on dottii because she literally did nothing wrong, I hate how realistic your analogy is
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    @kiki nothing wrong, just... dumb
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