
I confess I’m one of those smug people right now who’s never had a Facebook account. Why?

Although I do have privacy concerns, I’m not on Facebook because I truly, genuinely, honestly, legitimately do not give a single flying Monkey’s fuck about what you or anyone else gets up to on your own time.

I don’t care. I have no interest. And I have even less interest in telling others what I’m doing.

I fucking hate people.

  • 2
    Couldn't agree more. I didn't feel the need to tell others what I'm doing in my free time. And I (mostly) don't give a fuck about what people are doing in their free time.
  • 0
    100% agreed.
  • 0
    I'm the same but had Facebook because I had to for some teacher who wanted to be "cool" 10 years ago.

    Yesterday I deleted my Facebook account, it feels good
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