
Pi-hole is the best thing to ever be added to my home network.

  • 1
    Great Job dude! Youve made a GREAT choice!
  • 2
    48% blocked? I only have like 10-20% blocked...
  • 2
    Shut your pi-hole
  • 1
    What does this pi-hole do?
  • 2
    @olback me too... too much porn?
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    @Haxk20 I do have ssh port forwarding set up for it, but the remote port for it is completely different from the standard port 22.
  • 1
    @Haxk20 Well, it's better than nothing at least. 😅
  • 0
    Great now I can expand my botnet of IOT devices. Thanks pihole for making my job easier
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    I found many issues with my browsing after installing Pi Hole. In the end I gave up and went with a browser based ad blocker. Was just too much maintenance
  • 1
    @Haxk20 when I have free time I like to got to shodan and search for pis or polycom servers... just to do stuff
  • 0
    I love it too. It's helped me identify two malicious apps that were constantly tracking a device in my home (over 10k requests blocked every day). With those gone, I'm eager to see what the blocking rate will become, as I've only removed one of them yesterday. I was at 80% blocked. Can you imagine??? Eighty! Now it's already down to 50%, which is still high, but much better.
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