Interviewing is much harder than it was even a few years ago. I go into it knowing I probably won't get the job. It may sound negative but it relieves the pressure. I also make note of what I didn't do well on so I can work on it. Last year I wanted to leave my job so I would go to interviews at lunch and do phone interviews in the parking lot. I was turned down for soo many jobs. Just a couple of years ago I could get a job in one or two interviews. Things have gotten more complicated. It used to be if you knew even a little about a backend language and a little sql you could easily get a job. It has all changed. I think the javascript framework of the month thing has only made it worse.

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    I think that employers are expecting more from us to get their attention. A simple portfolio and some experience iant enough anymore. Social media is also playing a role in this as employers are looking into us. Post something they dont agree with? You are out. Thats why you wont see political posts on my Facebook or drama of any kind.
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    +1 for the " JavaScript framework of the month"!
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    I think it depends on the company. The ones that pay more wanna make sure you're worth every penny. Then other companies are desperate enough for cheap labor theyll take anyone who knows a few things and looks like theyll stay with the comapny forever
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    yeah i somehow agree with payslip expectation point. but idk about you op. one recruiter i know said the same thing as well about having good pay with high responsibilty. some things have to be on balance here.
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    @MightybeforeGod oh I agree. I don't touch politics or religion with a 10 foot pole.
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    1. if you cant find a job, make one.
    2. For a period of 2 years i sent like 400 job applies. No luck.
    A friend of mine recommended me to a big corporation and those people call me brilliant.
    Luck and connection have a big role here.
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