
Questions in job applications have become a fucking joke.

I'm done with them, from now on to stupid questions I'm only answering in same fashion.

  • 7
    Hiring somebody based on what magazines they read. Lol
  • 2
    Fun fact: Playboy featured Brook Shields when she was 10 years old. Her mother pushed her to do it.
  • 4
    I didn't know magazines were still a thing. they were considered for the boomers when I was a child

    also why do I have to have celebrity professionals in my mind. that sounds weird. am I a fan of professional sports or something? are you going to pay me millions of dollars a year for my rocking basketball career?
  • 3
    Application declined
    Reason stated: poor cultural fit
    Real reason: we’re looking for mindless, compliant and replaceable slaves
  • 1
    @kiki now playing law_and_order_theme.mp3
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