
Day 16 of starving myself to death challenge. shaking, shivering, disoriented, always cold, can't get warm no matter what
in my chest, I feel the strange sensation of intense anxiety and intense anxiety relief at the same time. I never felt anything like that
I feel like that guy who ate ghost pepper followed by high potency artificial menthol concentrate to see how sensations would neutralize each other, instead fealing both hot and cold at the same time

  • 2
    Oh yeah, that's totally a thing, getting cold I have too if I don't eat enough. That's kinda first result.
  • 6
    beware that intense fasting fucks up your immunity. If you're feeling hot/cold, see if you didn't simply catch a cold.

    I remember being colder than I normally am, so yeah, I guess being colder is normal. After all, you metabolism is slowing down; burning fat requires more energy, as fatty acids first have to be split into monolipids (requires energy) and converted into sugars (also requires energy), which can then be used to produce energy (ATP). This explains the coldness.

    You will have weak days, you'll want to sleep all the time. Maybe it's one of them.

    Once again: consume enough liquids, minerals, vitamins. I used to eat x1 hematogen per day (to prevent anaemia), 2 fizzing pils/day:

    - x1 of microelements (Fe, Ca, Mg, K; rotating round-robin) to prevent cramps and maintain some balance in the body

    - x1 of vitamins (B, D, A, multi).

    At least once a week during a bottle of real kvas (for vitB) and eat something with fatty fish, like salmon (vitD, A and E, Phosphorus)
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    Go back to your psychiatrist. It doesn't have to be this way. It will get better only if you ask for help.
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    How many days left?
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    I've been eating very little, at least much less than what's normal to me, for the last months. The cold is real.
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