
Frontend team : We pushed our code. Please give instructions regarding integration with Backend.

Me : Alright. I'll provide you the API docs and you can continue with integration.

F : But that's your job. No?

Me (didn't want to argue) : I'll look into it. Let me check out the frontend till then.

* Goes on to see the frontend *

I am kidding you not, that moth*rf*ck*r pushed an entire template along with dummy text.

Me : Hey! This doesn't seem right. It's just a template you got off the internet.

F : Yeah! That's what I have to do. To put on the dynamic content from database is your work. Don't put your responsibilities on me!!

Are you f*cking kidding me?! Do your work right or I am reporting you to the team lead!

Meanwhile, team lead : *sips coffee. Disappears for months*


  • 27
    Reason number 14678 to work full stack and not deal with people like that
  • 32
    Working in a startup I would immediately release any developer who said anything along the lines of “thats not my job”.

    Me: “Oh, so that is not your job? What is your job then?”

    Then: “my job is X”

    Me: “that’s where your wrong, you don’t have a job. Please hand over all company property and leave the building. Have a nice day.”
  • 2
    Crazy shit.
    Not sorry about my language. Sorry.
  • 2
    Sigh :( it make me feel so frustrated that people this unprofessional GET EVEN HIRED. If I had a colleague like this the solution would be:

    - make fun of him till he cry
    - repeat till he leaves the company
    - go to the boss and ask Him to do the guy job

    Ffs. This attitude is cancer towards the company.

    It spreads, and it kill the host if is NOT CUT OUT surgically and immediately
  • 6
    Provide them an dummy backend and let them integrate with that.
  • 1
    @raldo94 i like that dummy backend. 😉
  • 0
    @raldo94 justice tastes so good
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