When negotiating salary do you ask for the max in the range they provide? If not what’s the best strategy

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    my next plan is to impress (which is easy if I try but before I didn't know the game, still worked decently well), ask them to just give me whatever they think is best, and just drop the lowest offers

    less headache. I can't change people. I'm done (in other regards), best strategy is to just discriminate and ignore the noise you don't like. that's how people treated me ðŸĪŠ, and it's gonna be the best strategy when the workforce is going full-on passive aggressive communist instead of being able to think (which seems to be the case in every group...). I can believe in game-theory of cooperation all I want but it's no use because others don't do so, so the next best strategy is to just make people feel inferior, sweat, and choose the ones that can be bullied with means I find easy (or are just naturally giving / rich / not price sensitive)
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    Know your worth. I don't know the rules in your country, but during my time as a corpse slave, max was 10% unless you're leading a team or department then it's possibly 12%. If that's the max, maybe ask for additional perks like additional holidays off or if allowed, transportation allowance, or even mobile allowance. If you want to expand your skills, maybe the ability to have flexible hours so that you can sign up for online schools. Maybe even have your employer cover some of the tuition costs.
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    I add x to my current salary, mention that I get paid that now but would like a bit more and in the end by minimum you'll work for "your current salary" what was more ofcourse. But that's how I start neogations. Works find. Normally x is a few hundred.

    Edit: oh, it's for your current job? Hmm, I dunno. I'm a hardcore flexer and people know I'm the busiest bee in the tree. Getting raises is easy.
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    @jestdotty not bad, if it's less offer than you wanted it's very normal to say that you hoped for some more.
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    I do what @retoor does. Slightly inflate my current salary and declare that I won't work for anything less. If they offer anything below their max, I ask what can I do to reach the max, ie what do I lack and how/when I could get that sweet carrot. After all, I have a family to feed, payments to make, etc.

    Problem is, I'm already too expensive for 90%+ of positions I'm contacted for :/ if I knew how to find clients, I'd have already left my employer for contracting/freelancing long ago 😁 soft skills...
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    @netikras that's what all great people say 😁
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    @netikras or do mean with your sentence a lot of amphetamine and guys? :p
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    I feel like this differs between men and women. I wanna know what's womens' experience in this as well, I just genuinely don't know who's fem-presenting here and who isn't.
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