
For april fools i added a code that reverses the user input password
and wrote " due to a bug occurred in our database all user passwords have been inverted. Our developers are working on this issue "

  • 10
    Nice way to completely fucking infuriate your users. April fools is meant to be funny / entertaining, not crippling your ability to use a product.
  • 2
    Do you want to lose a significant amount of your client base?

    Because that is how you lose a significant amount of your client base.
  • 4
    @asabhyak @SSDD chill out. It's funny and I doubt that he would do this in a professional application. Even if it was I'm guessing it's for an internal tool and all the staff are close and they would find it funny.

    I did stuff like this all the time in gaming communities and it was hilarious. ++ For the great idea, I think next year I'm going to make the captcha a game of pacman
  • 1
    @SSDD actually it was funny as the users are devs and friends
  • 0
    @asabhyak not actually. Today many others joined as well 😅
  • 0
    @n3xus yes exactly. It was on friends and they devs and also new comers had laugh as well. :))
    The whole jock was me and my friends idea as our coworker has a long password and when he enters the office he take a long time to enter his password
  • 0
    In production??
  • 0
  • 1
    There is no way in hell I'm typing any of my passwords backwards. While funny, I would be infuriated if this affected my ability to get work done.
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