When your university drops the support for IMAP on their mail-server, leaving Exchange as only possible option, because apparently the thought that somebody MIGHT be using Linux in a fucking IT major is completely out of this world...

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    Check out hiri. But it's not open source. So that's a bummer.
    Also I am sure someone would have written a plugin for Thunderbird
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    @harshitaneja Hiri sadly only offers a 7 day free trial. Same goes for ExQuilla, which is (as far as I know) pretty much the only working Exchange-Plugin for TB... Oh well, looks like I either have to do a redirect, use OWA or finally get DavMail working ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 2
    Evolution has a plugin for outlook. It's the worst client interface i've ever used but it works.
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    @Pavr Thanks, I've already tried it a few years and a few months ago and firstly, yeah it does look fucking hideous, and secondly, after just trying again, it somehow won't take my (correct) credentials.... But as I said, I think I'll try to finally get DavMail working
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    Make sure that if your company forces two factor authentication. that you create an app password if you have issues.
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    @samblaise Mailspring supports Office365 but not Exchange. Tried that one too (and it also looks REALLY nice... Real bummer ._.)

    Edit: Also you could use Nylasmail lives. It's a fork from the discontinued Nylas mail, which doesnt need MailspringID, but still uses the old, bloated Electron-Engine, whereas Mailspring uses a (closed source) C++ sync engine
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    @samblaise I actually tried to contribute, but it's built on gcc 4.8 and even Debian Stable runs on gcc 6.x... Might try again e.g. in a VM when I'm not so swamped with assignments anymore
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