Now am blushing. Great to know i inspire someone 😄

  • 2
    Hey congrats mate.
  • 4
    @Hu-bot0x58 hushhh... No one has to know that
  • 4
    @Hu-bot0x58 dude, just let me have this one.
  • 1
    You could tell me too
  • 0
    @Hu-bot0x58 So you are implying that if I know my mentor kicks ass at frontend that I too am good at frontend?? Or because I am not a frontend god neither is he?! 🤔
  • 1
    Never trust anyone who talks like that. Nobody has that much admiration. They're manipulating you! :-D
  • 2
    @Hu-bot0x58 guess I'm a frontend goddess now 😂😂😂😂
    I think this shouldn't be defined so strictly: I suck at frontend & he inded knows what he's doing. Not saying he is the bestestes front end dev ever, but I think that if you have some common sense & can judge without being biased to he person writing the code, you can still see if someone's code is shit or not..at least if you ever tried to do same/similar thing..
  • 0
    @Hu-bot0x58 not sure I dare..might find out I'm a total noob at many things! O.o
    Anyhow, I agree on what you wrote.
  • 2
    @dontPanic im not panicking
  • 1
    You fucktards just had to ruin the man's moment, didn't you 🤦
  • 2
    @darkMatter I am not concerned at all. In fact i am also inspiring this conversation implicitly
  • 1
    @CodesNotHot well seems you are actually great...
    Could you tell me about how you do so well?
  • 1
    That’s how success looks like! Congrats!
  • 1
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