Hi there
Since you people decided to incorporate the rest of reality in your even weirder rendition of a more kruegerish Disney land it's looking like im yet again being forced down a path I don't want to go down

  • 3
    Thanks for reminding me about the "guess the ranter" game!

    Strike for me!
  • 1
    Did you start dev work again?
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    Sometimes the whole world is crazy and not you. I'm not even kidding. Accept it and move on. If you take everything around you and the news serious, you'll become insane. Rationalizing the world is a process that will fail in a terrible way. I can't watch the news without doing serious damage to myself so I just don't and accept that there are things are not explainable. If I don't invest time into negative stuff, the world is freaking beautiful and happy. The world in my case is a small village, I decided not to care much about things outside that. Sounds egoistic, but for me it's the only way to live and be happy. I see no reason to change that. Everyone is caring about all shit already, I'm sure I can be missed.

    TLDR; it would make me sad, but if devrant or anything else you can't change is toxic for your mind, leave that thing. I say this because I care about you.

    I hope that I interpret your message correctly.
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    @Demolishun I've been working on things.
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    @retoor oh no I don't take the news seriously at all

    Everyone around me is an actor
  • 0
    been reading about enlightenment or whatever you wanna call it

    everyone's robotized by their habits to be nice little peons for "the system"

    I mean Prussian education system was intended as a slave camp and then CIA did mk ultra... it was always going to head this way

    sometimes you find people that aren't like that but it's mega rare

    you seem kind of schizophrenic to me tho. means degraded due to stress of social incohesion

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