Imagine, AI is improved, robots are there for you, they cook they do all the households, and there is literally nothing that is there to do for humans, in such case is there a chance Humans go backwards becoming Neanderthals, go hunting in jungles and live like that.. and then so many years later they rebel against AI and Robots and surprisingly come to know they are the one who created them so many centuries ago.. lol

  • 5
    This could be a fun movie.
  • 3
    @Demolishun maybe you can record that video yourself.

    Chores cleanse the soal or smth says the Bible IIRC.

    We'll be depressed with robots like that. Not my fantasy at all. Also, a cooking robot is very, very advanced. Completely different but on level of a self driving car I guess. It will take a while before that comes. It's the ultimate home robot fantasy I guess. Probably they'll need some maintenance.
  • 2
    A paradox at the heart of capitalism is the fact that every capital owner wants to spend as little as possible, but somehow expects everybody else to have money to pay as much as possible for their products.

    In other words, how can you sell anything if nobody can buy?

    All those "robots replace all humans" scenarios fall into that paradox. The owners of the robots themselves would become luddites the moment those machines steal their consumers.
    Just look at how the real state owning class / the rent seekers are reacting to how remote work destroyed their business.

    Thus, we can have "robots replace a whole group of humans," but not enough to hinder the consumption of goods or the value of the capital itself.

    Just imagine how the meat, restaurant, wellness and health industries would react if everybody had a home cooking appliance capable of, fully autonomously, turn cheap vegetables into healthy but actually delicious meals.

    So, don't expect robots to actually change things.
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