
* Selects text to copy *
* Ctrl + C to copy *
* Selects text to be replaced with copied text *
* Ctrl + C again instead of Ctrl + V *

Instant rage.

  • 14
    This :'D It happens all the time
  • 39
    * Selects text to copy *
    * Ctrl + V to copy *

    Instant rage.
  • 4
    Yesssssss hate itttt
  • 7
    Happens more than I’d like to admit
  • 10
    Using git bash trying to clone a repository from GitHub
    1. Copying clone link from GitHub *Ctrl + C*
    2. Writitng git commannd
    ---$git clone
    3. Pressing *Ctrl + V*
    ---$git clone ^V

    Instant rage.
  • 4
    Imagine Ctrl+X in the second line.
  • 1
    Happen to more than I like to admit...
  • 3
    On some editors Ctrl + Shift + V helps in reducing the rage.
  • 3
    If i got a penny everytime i did this..i would have been a millionaire.. ;-;
  • 0
    I think this (http://1clipboard.io) would be helpful... Or good old ClipX if you are on windows
  • 1
    True brother 😂
  • 2
    But not with vim :'))))
  • 1
    Not using a clipboard manager is the digital equivalent of running around with scissors. :D
  • 0
  • 1
    The sole reason I have a clipboard tool.
  • 1
    Are there seriously people out there who don't use a clipboard manager???? I could not survive an hour without it!
  • 1
    Ctrl-Z to the rescue.
  • 1
    How i go :

  • 1
    @R1100 and then at the end instead of Ctrl+v, Ctrl+C again 🤣😤🤯
  • 3
    @ivancr Well...
    *instant rage*
  • 0
    @devs haha right), after the rage...




  • 1
    I use Ditto on windows, fantastic clipboard manager.
  • 0
    Within intellij IDEs, Ctrl+Shift+V to rescue.
  • 0
    > Not using vim.
  • 0
    Use ditto 😀
  • 1
    You are going to get a stress ball 😅
  • 1
    Are you on Mac? You definitely should try Jumpcut... no more rage attacks... healthy heart 👍
  • 0
    Windows has clipboard manager in insider preview.
  • 0
    I do this about 10 times a day. Really sucks when you’re lazy and use ctrl-z as your version control system, but skipped a few “commits” by doing this.
  • 0
    @HTMLspecialist or “git clone =[[B” (or whatever that weird symbol is)
  • 1
    Hello there.
  • 2
    I don’t know why but I use Shift+Insert a lot to paste text (not always).
  • 2
    @cahva I use shift+insert to paste only by mistake. It's like "how did I paste that text here!?"

    Thanks for revealing the mystery for me 😉
  • 0
    Hahaha and sometimes I wonder why does it paste spaces rather than the codes I copied. Then I realized I wrong clicked LOL 😂
  • 1
    Windows Key + V
  • 0
    Yes, it's good to see that
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