
The moment when u write a sarcastic joke (comment/rant), but you do not actually post it, fearing --s from super serious people.

  • 2
    I'm going to --your_rant because I can and want to be that guy...
  • 1
    @turturtles i'll -- you because you can't spell turtle right and i'm serious when it comes to turtles
  • 3
    Just upload something about piracy, that sure works fast enough...
  • 1
    I almost did the same to a rant a few rants above yours in the feed 😂
  • 1
    @ishankothari 😀 you must take some precautions before hitting that red button my friend 😂
  • 1
    @achehab what I meant was I almost left a comment but I didn't coz I was scared of the --'s I would get from those who didn't get the sarcasm :P
  • 1
    @ishankothari yep i understood that don't worry lol. The button "post" is the red button i spoke about.
  • 0
    @achehab oops, my bad.. I thought you were talking of the -- button 😂
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