I hate tech.

Trying to find a solution to problem in tech:
- 5 to 10 minutes searching for the correct terminology for the problem you are having.
- 5 to 10 minutes trying to find a solution.
- 5 to 10 minutes trying to find the correct terminology because the first terminology was wrong.
- 5 to 10 minutes finding the correct solution for your platform version.
- all the while dodging sketchy AI results
- Either you find a solution or you find it can't be fixed on your platform because X vendor is a POS.

So, this is not quite what happened today, but it pisses me off. I cannot imagine not being non-technical trying to use any platform this day and age.

I am trying to access data off of a backup. The data I want is in a user directory on a windows backup. I cannot get to user content because the user for the machine the backup came from is not known. I try with explorer and it says I need to elevate priv. So I do. It sits there and just spins icon doing nothing forever. The volume for viewing the backup is read only (actually a good idea, but annoying, can't change permissions).

So I remember that explorer artificially enforces permissions on folders. So I get Q-Dir which has worked in the past. So I get it installed and it fails to elevate privs. WTF! Everywhere I search I see no solution and shitty AI results. Then from the back of my mind I remember. Run Q-Dir as admin (which doesn't work on explorer due to artificial enforcement). So I do. It can access anything from the backup regardless of location.

WHY THE FUCK DO THESE BULLSHIT BARRIERS EXIST? It only causes frustration from users and locks people out of their data.

I hate technology.

  • 6
    And any info you can find on it are youtube videos that are running a somewhat different version
  • 5
    Just access with linux boot cd? Can just read folder right?
  • 2
    @retoor I need to copy files from backup image to my computer. Oh, and if I had let windows do so it would have encrypted my main drive making it inaccessible from a linux boot cd. I don't want to copy files to another drive from a backup image and then reboot and copy to my computer again. That misses the whole point of using a backup image to restore files. The limitation is retarded security enforcement when running as admin.
  • 2
    I’m with @retoor: just mount it on a Linux box and look around.
  • 2
    @Root but I can see every file by running Q-Dir as admin. It is explorer that refuses to browse the backup because of artificial security flags.
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