schrodinger's backup

  • 3
    Lol 😂
  • 2
    Why aren't backups fault tolerant?
  • 5
    But also.. by restoring from tape backup for example.. you might risk damaging or losing said tape just from having to access it?

    Had it happen before where restore worked the first time.. then after that failed. Then after that the team lost the tape...
  • 12
    Gotta love the 'gitlab' tag.
  • 4
    Schrödinger's DevOps
  • 5
    It is both backed up and not backed up until you need the backup.
  • 2
    gitlab is a prove
  • 1
  • 1
    Gitlab approves this message..
  • 2
    I just ended up working ways longer than expected... I had plans and it was caused by a meeting. Now I am on my way home. You made me laugh!
  • 3

    that was smart as fuck man, how could someone connect schrodinger's law with networking.

    He should have being studying some quantum mechanics before programming.
  • 2
    @DonMcCoy or smoking some good stuff.
  • 1
    @yendenikhil Exactly i did it before
  • 2
    @DonMcCoy bit confused. You did quantum mechanics before or smoked up? Imagine doing both together? Or maybe to study quantum anything you need some smoke.
  • 2
    I was gonna ++ this but look at that number!
  • 0
    @deMark We lost close to 50 tape backups when bringing them back on-site from our off-site storage. Car Accident + Flames = Bye Bye Backups.
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