
When the inventor of CSS said "Damn I have this great idea..!" somebody should have told him to chill and tell him "no worries, someone else will do, too."

  • 5
    But without CSS, we'd still be drowning in <table>-based layouts and inline styling nightmares...

    Problem I think is not with CSS but with W3C and all the browsers who want to slap their own crazy stuff in it.
  • 3
    @Grumm it's stupid that there were three ways to hide a scrollbar for example, prefixes with browser name. Instead of going to w3 first to discuss implementation, everyone did their own it seems. More stuff like that. Their attitude had to change.
  • 4
    @Grumm we would have had 100% responsive sites :p Take this beautiful responsive site:https://www.stroustrup.com/.
    The only thing not working well responsive is made by css :p
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    Skill issue. If you understand what a declarative language is, you won’t have any problem writing CSS. If you struggle with CSS, that means you don’t yet understand what declarative languages are and how they work.
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    @kiki *sigh* It's not like I don't understand it or can't get shit done properly, I just hate it. And if it wouldn't suck, we wouldn't have all these layer 2 or 3 solutions like SCSS or Tailwind, Semantic UI, etc.

    And yes, every browser cooking their own soup really doesn't help.
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    @n1cK1337 browser CSS incompatibility is no more, since at least 2022. I don't use frameworks, and CSS to me feels very easy and pleasant to write
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