
tiger father will occasionally punch and scratch his cubs to provoke them to fight back
he teaches them how to be a tiger
this is the cutest thing ever

  • 3
    Did your dad think he was a tiger too? Cute.
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    @retoor what's dad
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    @kiki the one you go to when mom sucks unless he went out buying cigarettes someday.
  • 1
    @retoor what's mom
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    @kiki someone who claims to own you like a pet for her own pleasure and expects respect just for existing while making you miserable for the bigger part of your life. Definition depends on person. I cared for a mom until I found my dad a better girlfriend. The mother of my former partner. Still happy and in love. Very cute couple. Mommii wasn't happy but what is new.
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    @kiki fuck, I should've said: the reason why dad went sailing. Dammit.
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    @retoor I actually never met him
  • 3
    @kiki daddys are over-rated. My dad was all right, but his dad used to beat him with bike slings if he didn't finish his plate.

    I saw that guy only once. He smelled bad.
  • 2
    @antigermanist normal people learn pretty quickly that way. Maybe your daddy was slow and speedy parenting was required :p I mean, they've could've beat you a bit more too imho :p it seems you're raised on a reward basis while not giving a fuck about rewards :p

    Bike slings, so traditional. It would've been sicker of he actually owned a whip. Imagine that.
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    @antigermanist all people smell bad two weeks after you bury them
  • 0
    @retoor Funnily, it was my step-mom who wanted to beat me with a wooden spoon. Corporal punishment doesn't work on me - it makes my vindictive side come out
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