Don't you just wish you can delete things from the internet forever?

I used to be a host on this show, not telling the name tho. It aired every Thursdays at 10 pm. And in case anyone missed it, the television station would post it on their youtube channel.

I was so desperate to remove it that I flagged it a bunch of times, but I knew it wouldn't work.

I'm dying of embarassment because everyone is finding it. It doesn't air on TV anymore, so that youtube channel is the bane of my existance.

I even got the idea to search myself up and delete any social media accounts, because I want to be nearly invisible on the internet.

That worked out. Except for that damn youtube channel.

I was a fucking 14 year old. I looked weird, acted weird, my mom made me dress weirdly. I was so nervous, I licked my freaking lips ON CAMERA. Not to mention, I had acne, and my skin was dark at the time because I was fresh out of middle school, and I did cross country in middle school.

Now I'm curious. Does anyone else have something embarassing on the internet that they can't get rid of?

  • 5
    Lol I never saw the part where you licked your lipsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Nah.. I got rid of everything 😎
  • 6
    Oh shit. You saw them, I forgot... Aghh I'm dying of embarrassment rn.
  • 8
    In case no one believes me
  • 7
    More proof
  • 7
    I have a YouTube channel with videos with my friends. Very stupid videos and now I don't have access to the account....shit
  • 11
    Don't worry Michelle, what you did, how you looked and how you acted when you were 14 isn't who you are now, nobody is going to judge you and if they do they are probably your classmates so don't worry about them, once you leave school and go to uni you will just laugh about it :-)

    PS: I would be proud if I were you, everyone is embarrassed when they see what their younger self did but that's not what others see
  • 1
    Oh, that's honestly the worst. Unable to delete things because you forgot the password...
  • 4
    Oh, that's comforting to hear. I guess you're right. Thank you. :)
  • 3
    @Condor me too, I want to see it
  • 2
    @Condor lol, gg :D
  • 0
    @Condor @D3add3d
    Trust me, you don't want to see it. It's really bad haha. Younger Michelle does a lot of weird things in it. Also, I looked different and weird. :)
  • 1
    Apparently someone recently sued(?) Google to clear their criminal history from Google searches...
  • 2
    @Michelle Trust me, I do :)
  • 1
    Okay wow. I wouldn't go as far as suing them to delete something. Mainly because I'd probably lose.
  • 1
    Oh gosh. Okay, only one because the others are bad. Please excuse the cringiness, 14 year old Michelle was an awkward person.
  • 3
    @Michelle not too awkward, it's hard to learn how to act in front of a camera :)
  • 4
    It was. I was scared as hell during it haha. Especially with all the guys behind the camera during the technical stuff. They kept signaling me to keep it together, which is why I kept staring at them.

    But thank you. :)
  • 2

    Now I see we're on the self-shaming train....


    I'm the dude in glasses, nothing has changed so far, besides I grew to look more tired 🀣
  • 2
    PS: yeah, that's my Sony Vegas editing skillz
  • 2
    Wtf xD
    Who's idea was it to make a video like that? Lol. I slowed it down to actually see what you guys were doing, and it was hilarious.
  • 1
    @Michelle It was me, hahahaha, I'm the master mind behind all the stupid shit on that channel 🀣
  • 1
    I can't tell you how to purge stuff from spacetime. Instead appreciate not only your good moments but also the ones you are shameful for. In the end those are equally responsible for who you are then the good ones. If they didn't exist you wouldn't either.
  • 1
    Why post pics/link if you want it deleted/forgotten??πŸ€”
    Anyhow, you look lovely! And should not feel ashamed!

    Oh yeah, our local agency for the internet still has description of my school time webpage cached somewhere (or at least it did for some time) so future employers could see the description of a horror that was my webpage made with front..sthsth (M$ stuff, dunno how it's properly called) with loads and loads and looooads of marquees and flashing texts! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Needles to say, I prefer back end dev now.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    Oh! You were the host! That is nice.
  • 0
    Thank you! I do appreciate it. :)
    Why were you feeling alone? Is something the matter?
  • 0
    I see. It's more than embarrassing thinking about those weird stuff. It's actually physically painful.
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