
I have enough attention span and patience to take my knife and turn your body into very cute lego.

  • 5
    I love lego!!
  • 3
    I have enough attention span to notice I can better avoid you :p

    Anyway, how's your product going? Test team is ready!
  • 2
    Oh just try it. Lego is famous for their aggressive defense of copyright and patents, to a point where they have customs destroy crates of competitors that have not even violated those. You won't be done dicing me half up before you will receive a seize and desist letter.

    Or maybe you will. Only had bad experiences with the postal office in Saint Petersburg. They seem... Disinterested in doing their jobs.
  • 1
    @TrayKnots which Saint-Petersburg?
  • 2
    From slow suicide to straight up murder. If you're going to hurt yourself, stick to yourself. Hurting others is school shooter bullshit.
  • 0
    @kiki Not California. The one that has the Hermitage and the Kunstkamera. And where the bridges go up at night, which was properly stupid, because it took me like 90 minutes to get around those bloody bridges.
  • 1
    @TrayKnots oh, my favorite city.
  • 1
    @djsumdog school shooter bullshit is killing indiscriminately, no matter if the person you killed had hurt you or not. Killing someone in particular, someone who hurt you, is a different thing. If I had a no prosecution guarantee, I would’ve happily turned my mother into lego with a knife, the slower the better. Gotta make sure the pieces are all neat and precise, gotta do a clean job. Would’ve been the best day of my life. Or the best week.
  • 0
    Something is raging
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