All countries should agree to destroy all bombs and guns.

  • 2

    *makes more and sells them to the idiots that took that with extra implied value*
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    It seems to me that would incentivize holding onto a secret stash then running roughshod over those that were foolish enough to agree to such a thing.
  • 3
    Do you know why governments want to take away guns? Because they want to do something to you that you would shoot them for.

    Do you know why governments are ramping up censorship? Because their propaganda isn't working anymore.

    Do you know why the chicken crossed the road? Okay, I don't know this one.
  • 2
    @Demolishun To get to the KFC on the other side?
  • 1
    @Demolishun > Do you know why governments want to take away guns? Because they want to do something to you that you would shoot them for.

    They've been doing that for ages and it's not my little colts that will do anything

    Beside, why would I buy gun legally if the purpose is to rebel against the government? Kinda counterproductive? You don't need their authorization to buy guns
  • 0
    @Demolishun whereas if we just sabotage weapon factories there will be no more guns at all.
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    I like to live peaceful.

    I need to wonder, how do I want my peaceful live to be: Like the elephant or like the rabbit.

    The rabbit is peaceful, because it is incapable of fighting back. The price it pays is to be twitchy, on edge, constantly afraid.

    The elephant is peaceful because it is capable of destroying any lion or crocodile that mistakes it for prey.

    Both are peaceful. You want to be the rabbit. Why?
  • 3
    won't ever happen. humans do human things
  • 2
    Have you ever heard of game theory? Nash equilibrium? The worst possible scenario for a side is that it destroys it's weapons cache, but some other side doesn't.
    A side can only control its own actions, so they will not only *not* destroy their weapons, they might also ramp up production.
    So the doomsday mutually assured destruction is an equilibrium we all get fucked up on.
    Nash won a Nobel prize and went insane thinking about this.
  • 2
    @antigermgerm Honey badger logic. it can't do anything against a leopard but that leopard ain't gonna have a fun time trying to fuck with it. it acts as deterrence

    you forget that the government is not a nebulous entity. a low-level cop who might be disrespected by his own management, have doubts about his leadership's moral direction, and generally are paid pretty cruddy, is going to be coming by to take you on with a gun (which they know about, because your gun is registered with them). and he gets hurt by guns. in the mass of people who are hired to enforce the government, are individuals, and they don't wanna be shot. especially if their leadership sucks and throws them away after they are damaged goods even though they "put everything on the line" for said leadership. it's a giant chessboard
  • 1
    @TrayKnots musking elephants
  • 1

    I don't understand
  • 0
    @jestdotty when the day will come I will kill that mother fucker with my bare hands.
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    @TrayKnots musth whatever: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musth

    male elephants are notoriously violent. they rampage villages in India and whatever
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    @jestdotty there is a substance that can make you insensitive to tasers and invicible in a fight.

    I believe it's called bath salts.
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    @jestdotty did you know pandas were sex-crazed and bloodthirthy?
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    @TrayKnots my solution is for everyone to be the rabbit
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    rabbit is fucking delicious btw
  • 1

    I like it. Everyone is the rabbit.

    If we already on it. We can fight thieving by everyone not stealing anymore. Murdering by everyone not killing anymore. It's a perfect world.

    Why hasn't anyone thought of this earlier. But I think you just saved the world.
  • 1
    maybe fighting isn't ugly

    maybe it's beautiful 🥺


    now fighting cuz someone lied to you... now that's gross
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