what would you suggest to become better at programming?

  • 4
    Code a lot, review other developers code and read. Decide on a project and code the project. It's always easier to learn when you have a project to build.
  • 2
    come up with small little (feasible) projects and don't give up til you succeed! You will learn a lot from just being persistent. experience is what you need.
  • 2
    Learn functional programming. The technique of avoiding mutable state as much as possible is very important and underappreciated for writing maintainable code which is easy to reason about.
  • 0
    if you already know the basics and have a good knowledge about algorithmic thinking, go for codewars. Start with basic 1kyu level 8 katas and work your way up. I wish you the best of luck and a lot of good clean code.
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    I always prefer to take a project and reverse engineer it... When learning a new language.
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    If you don't code SOLID, I'd do that.
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    git gud kid
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    I can't believe someone down voted @zornslemma. Learning functional programming techniques will definitely help you write better imperative code, even if you don't end up using a functional language in your day to day work.
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    Read and understand as much of other peoples code as possible. Then try re-implementing it better than they did. Then try implementing it again better than you did.
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    I always like to read the code of others on reputable repositories on GitHub etc. You can learn new techniques and follow the same patterns in your own work.
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    If you're on web, w3 schools is your best friend.
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