I noticed my co-worker has been using Atom editor for everything (we do Java/Scala). I asked, "So are you using the new language servers? How are you doing code completion?"

"I don't use code completion. I turn it off."

O_o "Do you not use screwdrivers? Like do you tighten screws in by hand?"

I've know people who code Java/Scala in emacs and vim, but they still had completion, type-lookups, etc. They was a higher learning curve in knowing all the keyboard commands, but all the tools were still there. I don't get people who refuse to use tools. It's reflected in this guys works too when looking at the code reviews.

When all you have is a hammer, everything is going to look like a nail.

  • 0
    I actually started using atom yesterday and I'm loving a lot of the autocompletion packages. It's a very nice code editor :)
  • 2
    Auto complete is both a good tool and a bad tool.

    It’s good you don’t have to remember things so you just tab in the correct answer and move on, but if you had to go for a job that required a non packaged up editor the other guy would most likely be the one hired since he’s ran a lot of the language to memory.

    I like auto complete when learning a new language, but don’t rely on them heavily.
  • 3
    @C0D4 I cannot be bothered to learn languages that don't provide decent autocomplete plugins anymore. It's one of the most effective productivity boost one can have. So yes, I rely on it or would go out of my way to add it.
  • 2
    I've been using Atom for a long time now, definitely my favorite editor. There's always a package for everything... Well, almost everything. But it's great to add only what you need.
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