Old employer sends you a message on WhatsApp 4 weeks after you left asking for your help because they cannot figure out a NEW issue with one of the application servers.

What do you reply? Do you even reply?

(I’m now freelance and charge £70/hr)

  • 7
    Did it for my old employer. For free.

    Another old employer, I pulled the freelancer line.

    All depends on the how did they treat you. And a little for what am I called. I am more willing to put in free work if it explains my old work or fixes a mistake. Like new employee needs an explanation. That might be on me. Might be not clear enough. I like to help out. But not for a new feature.
  • 8

    you like your employer on a personal level? enough to help them out of your own pocket? do so.

    you don't like them enough? send them a quote.

    you don't like them at all? send them a quote with a special premium rate that's 2x+ times your regular rate.
  • 9
    My first job, sure I'd help them. My current job, I'll just reply with a laughing emoji.
  • 7
    @tosensei they are not someone who I will ever give my time to for free now honestly. I left the company because I felt I had no choice due to the hostility and unprofessionalism in the business.
  • 6
    @HighTurtleDev then screw them.

    send a picture of your middle finger.
  • 1
    @tosensei send them a picture of your dick
  • 1
    If you left that company for their lack of skills, it would be bit weird to go help them out because they like it.

    I would've probably done it and would tell them that next time just will be invoiced. No biggy.

    I'm happy how much people say 'Just help them'. Nicer than I expected. Nerds are so good people.
  • 2
    @antigermgerm if you can find an electron microscope, we could send a picture of _your_ dick.
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  • 0
    @tosensei the black strings at the bottom are my pubes

    for scale
  • 2
    I only did this once, some contract work for one old employer. I really didn't like it. I can only really handle one full time job at a time. It's up to you, but I'd just ignore it unless you really like the extra hours and need the money.

    ... or if you think you can manage a consulting business and contract out other devs who need extra work. It's good money if you can do it, but that takes a lot of dedication.
  • 1
    Also had this issue before, client offered to pay a bit more than usual in freelance costs. However they were actually trying to scam everyone (me, my old employer, their own upper management etc.)
    Best to just let some things go. Give them a taste of their own medicine. If they dont learn their lesson, they will just do it again in the future to others.
  • 1
    You could phrase it like “After your mistreatment of employees, your general unprofessionalism, and your blatant disregard for ethics, why would I want to contribute in making your business prosper?”
  • 0
    So this does actually happen 😳

    I've seen some tiktok channels that showcase insane messages from bosses - and I always figured most of these must be fake cause the bosses requests are too ridiculous - like asking someone who doesn't even work there for work.

    PS: just curious - which country and how large is the company?

    I know WhatsAppForBusiness is a thing but I've never heard of any tech business using it here in Sweden.
  • 1
    Tell them your freelance rate is £140 and you can only do it at your own convenience
  • 0
    I'd always charge them money

    friends are for chumps. nobody is your friend for long. makes everything messy. better to be explicit so there's no misunderstandings or ill feelings. why open yourself to that? plus it's simple!

    edit: id charge them more money if they're incompetent or mean, if I find working with them stressful, or they throw curve balls at me. id charge them extra on my estimation of the level of trouble they'd bring to my life. would teach them gratefulness and to get their shit together =]

    and id increase the rate after they're mean. so they're aware. and I wouldn't lie about why the rate increases. "I find working here to be a lot of work" etc. they wanna lower it they can get better

    and if they don't pay and come again I'd add the previous not pay and interest before we can make a new deal. geez guys! and I wouldn't do any work without pay, and cut them off quick. excuses are not valid pay, whoopsie
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