
Camel case can't be used in Postgres: table names are case insensitive. Pascal case can't be used too.
Kebab case is readable, but it can only be used in HTML, Clojure and probably some other lisps.
Thus, ugly-looking snake case is the most compatible casing.

  • 4
    Hi Kiki. Your avatar looks especially stunning today.

    I don't really think which convention matters. Consistency matters. I think camelCase looks the best, but too many edge cases around acronyms.

    Snake case is the clearest. But in the end:

    Nothing really matters.
  • 3
    @retoor the standard encoding/decoding lib in Swift has that feature to optionally convert between different casings as well.
    You can even extend it and add custom conversions!
  • 1
    hmmm this rant looks botted
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