Thoughts on this notice? Is Oracle going to start charging for Java?


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    ?? But this is java8, 11 is coming out soon
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    @sharktits Oh. I see now. Unfortunately I don’t keep up with Java news like I probably should.

    So this is just killing off an old version. That makes me feel better.
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    @sharktits Actually it looks like what they’re doing is getting rid of the standalone JRE completely in favor of developers bundling a JRE with their apps. So that’s why I can’t download anything newer than 8 on https://java.com/en/download/...
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    Oh yeah, that came out in j9, makes a lot of sense if you think about people like my boss who needed 1 hour on the phone so i could explain to him to download a jre to run our program
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    The day they start charging for that is the day everyone will move to .net. fuck that noise
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    @Torbuntu not a viable alternative. Every time I try to use it it craps out. Plus at this point then .net core seems like a more dedicated option
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    @Torbuntu yeah, not using cpp for web development.
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    @AleCx04 LOL sure but I'm not going to use Java or .NET for web development either ;)
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    @Torbuntu An interesting idea but over my head for now.
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    @Torbuntu same here. And as it is right now I am trying to move out of the web.
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    I'm not a license guru, but as I understand it businesses will have to pay Oracle if they want security patches on older versions.(versions supported only until new version comes out).

    Also since Java 7, OpenJDK is the official version and OpenJDK and OracleJDK should become binary interchangeable late 2018, so only licensing differences should remain.

    I attached an image showing until when the versions are supported, you can pay Oracle to extend LTS supports.
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    @garrettw they're not getting rid of standalone JRE? Just google "jre 10" and click on first result.

    However jre8 will not auto-update to later versions on desktops.

    What came on java9 is jre modularization, which now lets you embed jre in your application just with a few megabyte overhead(depending how much of standard lib you are using).
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    Response to the Android bullshit. This could be the end of Java tbh
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    @AlgoRythm it really could
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    @AleCx04 I really don't feel like getting a Java license. I'll use c#!
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    @AlgoRythm you understand that you don't need to pay if you are using the latest version or latest LTS version?
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    @AlgoRythm Also what Android bullshit are you referring to?
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    @sSam Oracle sued Android and won
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    @AlgoRythm so how is this their response to that court?
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    I'm getting this bullshit
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    @hidingFromBoss maybe you’re accessing it from a country they don’t like? Idk seems odd
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    @garrettw that's correct, Iran. The shitty part is they sell us stuff twice the price like phones and its all fine, but we cant have access to tools to develop for them, like android studio, jdk, unity, UE ... Its all good tho, because by doing so our government will stop building atom bombs :/
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