Apparently, caffeine is now considered harmful.

Thanks, EU

(I know it mostly for pesticides/non-food right now)

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    Synthetic caffeine or natural caffeine?

    I learned most soda uses synthetic now. At least in the USA.
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    @Demolishun I'm not sure but since the main thing they are tackling with it is pesticides, I assume synthetic
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    maybe COVID vaccine made it so people can't drink coffee now

    it makes me very sad... alcohol and coffee fuck me up real fucking bad ever since

    I still can't figure out why the fuck on all these things

    also can't eat most sugar. found some sugar I seemed to be able to eat and gonna experiment later this week on that
    beans ok flour no (even organic). ???
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    @BordedDev plants naturally make pesticides always

    often we consider them healthy and even medicinal

    plants can't run, so they play chemist and make compounds to kill what wants to eat them. humans don't get their primarily calories from plants tho, so we can just eat a little for medicinal effects instead of getting poisoned by the plant

    and herbivores play an evolutionary game of being tough enough to withstand the poisons of the plants
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    @Demolishun Is there a difference? I thought most chemicals like this are identical if synthesized
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    @12bitfloat I think the only difference is that it can be a left handed chemical vs right handed chemical. Which I read years ago can have an effect on how healthy it is. No idea if this is an issue with caffeine though.
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    @12bitfloat impurities

    the problem with synthesized stuff is you can't quality control like when you get served a fly in your meal at a restaurant

    for exaaample... Japan had some historically horrible events with cadmium poisoning, so they were testing those COVID mRNA vaccines for cadmium. they ended up rejecting batches because they had dangerous levels of the stuff. isn't the only random shit that was found in those. but it's so small you can't really complain, you know, cuz you aren't a microscopic being that can tell what's in that stuff and complain to the waiter

    ... the other problem can be people just being dumb. plants both have the poison and the antidote, since the poison acts on them they need an antidote for it to be handy also. that's why fake weed would give people seizures, but real weed is medicinal because it actually is used to treat seizures because the plant figured out an antidote... so they can fuck up understanding the "system" that way. stripping context
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    @jestdotty didn't you just become a bit older? :p
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    > Apparently, caffeine is now considered harmful.

    Still gonna drink it.


    They can take our freedom, but they can never take our caffeine.

    Unless they do.

    Better start tactical caches of beans now while you still can mate.
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    @Wisecrack We even own a coffee plant ;P probably never going to be drinking from it but still.

    If they actually banned caffeine I honestly think the common labour market would crash (not the bureaucrats of course they do speed and other shit)
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    @BordedDev Caffeine and nicotine keep people docile.

    Caffeine is provided to society to keep them productive and not noticing their shit work hours which fuck with their sleep schedules while society melts and decays around them.

    Nicotine makes people obedient, which is why people who never smoked before start smoking once they're in a stressful job.

    Alcohol makes people docile to a certain level, letting them decompress under conditions that would normally lead to a revolt.

    Which is why the smuggling of all these things, to a certain level, is allowed to happen in prisons.

    Likewise why these substances are allowed and so widely promoted throughout civilization. Their affects at a society-wide level are well known.
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    @retoor nop that's in 2 months
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    @Wisecrack fluoride in the water was used in Russian gulags because it made the prisoners slow and docile

    it also made it kind of difficult for them to think

    idk so much if substances necessarily are used that successfully to keep people docile otherwise. coffee makes me pretty active instead of passive. and nicotine is a nootropic so you might get some ideas. when weed became legalized tho I was suspicious. but it's always confusing. I think it kind of depends the mindset you approach these substances with

    but flouride is a poison that interrupts your body's use of iodine, so is effectively a very malicious poison and there really isn't an upside

    ... somewhere else I heard that people reach for cigs to lower their stress, so they put terrifying and disgusting pictures on the cigs so that even when you try to calm your nervous system you will be subliminally terrorized by worries. it's a psy-ops to make you neurotic, so you never have any relief. weakens constitutions
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    I need caffeine to not race my mind.
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    @BordedDev we also had a coffee plant. We threw our coffee every day into a plant if we didn't want it anymore or it got cold. We did that for a long time, And then, on a certain day. There was a smell. We couldn't figure out what it was.. But in the end, it was the plant. It started to push out a terrible smell.
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    @retoor Hmm we don't use hot coffee in the garden normally, but we do use the grounds as a pesticide/cat deterrent
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    I mean, it’s EU, as if it was not clear, not anyone listens to those guys anymore.
    Besides, wars are dangerous as well, and nobody reminded them that this week apparently.
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    @Tounai if it doesn't put on the lotion it gets the hose.
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