Just replaced a mess of a 6 row, 6 column grid done using bootstrap with 4 lines of CSS3 grid layout (shorthand).

Why do we even need full Bootstrap when ya got Grid and flexbox now? Oh right, .btn colours... 😖😫😭

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    Buttons, helper classes, style resetting, typography, navigationbars, tabs, forms, dropdowns...

    Css grid is awesome, I built a bar-checkout system with it. But I still use bootstrap so much for all the right reasons <3
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    @wildebeest Very true.

    I've switched over to Bulma. Bootstrap 4 is meh for me.

    Being a fan of Material design Bulma is a nice in-between thats not bootstrap but also doesn't scream Google.
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    @Vip3rDev I'll check it out. Seems interesting so far (bulma.io)
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