Hello, any assembly developers here ? It's so hard, even for a simple adder ! I spent half day yesterday to code this :

```6502 assembly
; Header

.setcpu "65C02"
.smart on
.autoimport on
.debuginfo off
.import _printf
.import pushax
.export _main

.segment "RODATA"

.byte $54,$68,$65,$20,$72,$65,$73,$75,$6C,$74,$20,$69,$73,$3A,$20,$25 ; The result is: %
.byte $64,$0A,$00 ; d

.segment "CODE"

.segment "CODE"

.proc _main: near

lda #32
sta num1
lda #32
sta num2

; Perform the addition
lda num1
adc num2
sta resn

; Print
lda #<(msg)
ldx #>(msg)
jsr pushax
ldx #$00
lda resn
jsr pushax
ldy #$04
jsr _printf

; End of program


.segment "BSS"

num1: .res 1 ; Reserve a byte for the first number
num2: .res 1
resn: .res 1

; Build and run:
; cl65 -t sim65c02 -o adder.prg adder.asm
; sim65 adder.prg
; Expected output:
; The result is: 64
Emulate it with sim65. Guys it's hard !

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