
Hydrogen gas is fun. Really fun :D

Me and my brother were really bored earlier today. So what do two dudes, 14 and 17 do on a warm spring day?

1. Go to store.
2. Buy drain cleaner, aluminum foil, balloons and a big drink in a glass bottle.
3. Drink the drink.
4. Shred aluminum in a document shredder.
5. Mix alu, drain cleaner and water in the bottle.
6. Quickly put a balloon over the bottle opening.
7. Wait.
8. Get a lighter and blow that shit up! 🔥
9. Repeat until you run out of balloons.
10. Don't kill yourself doing this.

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    @zvyn Yes. I survived but with minor burn injuries on my arm.
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    11. Profit???
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    @c3ypt1c Yes, much profit.
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    I hope your eardrums are ok.
    There is a reason why such "experiments" should only be done with proper protection gear.
    It's not the first time teenagers get serious injuries from such "experiments".

    I know enough chemists who burned or corroded their arms or shattered eardrums from explosions or turned blind from glass fragments. Please stop it or wear proper protection.
    Chemistry experiments are not a "fun thing".

    Btw: I have worked with explosives in the construction business as a demolition expert. And there is one thing I really hate: When people abuse explosives or parts of explosives and just randomly detonate it.
    Nowadays we have EXREMELY STRICT laws (at least in my country) about this stuff, because of too many accidents by stupid or ignorant people. Even some self-proclaimed demolition "experts" are fucking idiots, who detonate too many explosives by choice just for fun, because it makes a louder boom and is a "better show for spectators".
    I have seen it with my own eyes how rocks the size of a head have smashed in roofs 100m away from the site. The responsible idiot should have gone to prison. But lucky for everyone, he didn't kill anybody. But it did cost his company a fortune. And thanks to him, the city there made a ban for the use of explosives at construction sites for at least 100 years. What a fucking asshole.

    Nothing personal against you, but next time you do stuff like this, please for the sake of others and your own health, wear ear and eye protection.
    Would be ashame if a 14 or 17 years old person loses his vision or hearing. (You wouln't be the first, believe me) 😉
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    @PonySlaystation we had no eye/ear protection but fortunately there were no loud bangs, a balloon of hydrogen doesn't really explode, it just burns really quickly. It's not any louder than a balloon popping.

    But you're completely right, we should have used earplugs and safety glasses. But luckily, nothing happened this time.
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    I was going to tell a Sodium and Hydrogen joke, but... NaH
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    Ballon is the smallest problem here, reaction between NaOH and Al relases a lot of heat, so you should do it in cold bath or heat ca ignite H in a bottle and... bottle explosion isnt that good for you..
    Remember about safety squints and pillow bunker with lighter on a stick and fire extingusher as well!!! I made similar experiment with my friend, but we were igniting the H comming out a hose, You should try creating H foam (with dishsoap) its safer.
    I remember the lid blew of when we did it once... Good that is wasnt the whole jar. You should do it outside as well!

    Be safe and have fun!
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