Damn i used to be sensitive to you people's criticisms now 100 years it feels later I'm more worried that people seem to expect me to shoot people or deal with undeserved hell and the theft of every memory of every thing I ever worked on and better understanding of what scum they are while they try to trigger me into ending their pathetic useless miserable lives in a way less horrifying than they deserve heh

  • 1
    why do they deserve it
  • 1
    @jestdotty they do horrible things which I've mentioned some of including hurting kids
  • 1
    Under the spreading chestnut tree,

    I sold you and you sold me.

    There lie they, and here lie we,

    Under the spreading chestnut tree.
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine who's mean to you??? :(

    i do jokes about kids as a way to cope against the fact my country is run by pedos. I wouldnt hurt kidz, they did nothing wrong yet
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