
I've been sick for some time now.

Regardless of the reason, there's this mental health side of it, where for a day I can't get out of bed and can't stop crying or stressing the fuck out. Other days, I have to do chores and work and study and I'm always behind. So either I'm dead in bed, or I'm in a hamster wheel of chores.

I honestly don't know how much more of this is humanly possible. But here's cheers to crawling through life. 🍻

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    Document everything what's on your mind. A few things can feel like many if you don't like it. The list is normally shorter than expected. Start planning the things you didn't plan before. Before you maybe didn't need a planning, but maybe you do. After doing this, it's time for step two, whatever that is.

    Very sorry that you feel that way, terrible. Wish you dem best.
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    @retoor plans go out the window at a moment's notice. At this point, I don't even plan really, I just prioritize.
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    @NoMad maybe you just need a good day with a friend and gain some energy with that. Was a few time my case.
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    Yeah, that's when I start drinking.
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    @retoor hah. I recently came to the conclusion that I don't have any friends, but many acquaintances. So that's that. (Yes, I am the problem)
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    @NoMad or you have friends but they're all assholes.

    In any case, are you even alright?
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    @Wisecrack I would rather be alleft, but I'm not. Still crawling.
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