Yes, I am debugging a 37 year old (more than me) x86 ASM university code. What does it do ? GNU Autotools-like with a custom Make.
And I will be giving a course on them later so I need to learn the codebase by HEART to present it and compare it with GNU's

In fact assembly isn't that hard (especially x86), we're stigmatized and it influences us.

Jk I'm dying

Sorry for bad english

  • 4
    Never be sorry for bad English. Just tell people that you speak retoor language and that you speak that fluently. Works for me.
  • 4
    @retoor I speak Assembly
  • 3
    @AdamOnAir in that case you have a syntax error i guess.
  • 2
    @AdamOnAir she's right. English suxxx, it's german-like. We should butcher it and create our own english with coke and hookerz
  • 1
    Yes, don't be sorry for bad English. English language itself should be sorry for us that we have to learn it.
  • 0
    Port it to Rust and teach that codebase instead :D
  • 0
    @cafecortado I can port it to C, good idea for next course on "C, Automatisation et CMake" it's French btw but never teaching in such a bad country.
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