@dfox Please do target="_blank" or similar thing for links in rants on the website :)

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    what if i told you people use window.open too!!!
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    @4by10 but, but... tabs! :(
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    Command/Control + Click. target="_blank" has its own security issues
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    @tytho you don't need to even go near control/command if you have set in browser to open links in a new tab and not in new windos. Browser takes target="_blank" as open in another window or better said "don't open in current one", which leaves your session alone and creates a new one.
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    @KeyWeeUsr when you do target _blank, the new window has access to window.opener, which is a reference to the source page's window object. It doesn't have to be the same domain, which makes it super vulnerable to phishing and other such exploits. There ways to secure it, but it saddens me that not more people know about this: https://jitbit.com/alexblog/...
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    @tytho ou shit. +10 if I could!
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