I don't understand how having chickens or burning tires is against the law, but making industrial levels of noise at all times of day is perfectly acceptable.

  • 4
    You can do anything if you can buy the politician.

    In a bourgeois state, there is no functional difference between capitalists and politicians. They are the same people.
  • 3
    the having chickens thing is fucked up
  • 4
    @jestdotty Every time it's brought up around here, the same kind of people that have illegally modified motorcycles and loud cars and monster trucks complain that they make too much noise. All while waking people up at 6am on Easter Sunday to go on joy rides.

    I cannot fathom how things got to this point.
  • 2
    @cuddlyogre one is an unavoidable byproduct of something productive while other is avoidable unproductive making noise for the sake of making noise.
  • 3
    In what country can’t you have chicken?
  • 2
    @Lensflare Illegally modifying your vehicle to harass as many people as possible is not being productive. Raising chickens is as natural as it gets and enables people to have a level of autonomy that car dopes wished they had.
  • 1
    @Tounai All over the United States, they disallow having chickens and other "livestock" because they make too much noise. But if you ask the local police to stop someone from harassing the entire town at 4am, they'll put you in jail.
  • 1
    Well I think all three suck
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre sounds like you are in a shit city. We can have chickens in Idaho. Is it just a city ordinance?
  • 0
    @Demolishun I agree with your assessment. As far as I know, no city in the state is allowed to have "livestock" within the city limits.
  • 0
    @cuddlyogre emotional support chicken
  • 0
    @cuddlyogre car centric thinking aka "car is good, everything else bad"!
  • 0
    You're free to have chickens in Sweden pretty much just as long as you don't live in the city 🙃
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