different kinds of doneness:
- The German kind: The method is thought through, implemented, documented, errors are handled and thoroughly tested.
- The "other" way: The method is there ... somewhere

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    @h3ll all I referred to are different definitions of the word "done", as to when method is "done" - never said software development in Germany is heaven.
    Or would you say a undocumented method (where neither name nor parameters make sense) that throws out wrong data, some handled and many unhandled exceptions, because it's never been tested, not even by the one implementing it, is "done"?
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    @h3ll so you prefer to guess the parameters for an API-Call, the format these parameters require and to guess what you get back from this one method because the name does not tell you at all
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    @h3ll that doesn't mean that all an every German company or person is super good. That just means that they are very methodical and most of the time you'll have a good specialists which play by the rules. I worked with Germans and it was a nice experience.

    In the end it's just a stereotype, it's not always true.
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