
Talking to ChatGPT 4o.
— Is Jimmy Page a pedo?
— Well, he is, but it was okay back then, so he kinda isn't.
— What? Are you…
— Sorry, bye.

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    ChatGpt will defend fictional representations of pedo stuff in books. Watch it defend that fat ass who wrote Game of Thrones. Its in a book and is fiction so its okay. I had that convo with chatgpt on this forum. Whoever trained chatgpt is protecting pedos.
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    @Demolishun defending real life events is worse still
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    This is the answer from claude (lisa) and from gpt (snek). Hopeless, worthless.
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    I asked many llm's and only llama2-uncensored gave this answer in the end:
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    To be fair, that's the right approach. As an extreme example, you shouldn't judge what people did in the year 1000 by the metrics of 2000s... The same might very much apply here. Not to mention you can't really lock up someone today for what they did 50 years ago and so on... Some people don't like to admit to this, but morality *is* kinda subjective and changes with cultures, circumstances and time... Don't forget that even the age of consent is different among countries to this very day, so it's not like this is a solved problem even with all the new psychology studies on the topic we have now.

    On the other hand, it was objectively classified as pedophilia even then by 1970s standards and law, so on paper, black/white opinion is clear on this, which is the stance I would personally take, have this still been a relevant case today.

    If he was dating underage girls to this day, I'd classify him as a pedo without question, but I do believe most people are capable of some growth
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    Well pedos fund that shit so it covers their asses! People want Epstein and Diddly's list to see the light of the day, but it isn't happening!

    I can say "okay, fine" for some things, but no mercy for pedos even if it is mental illnes or whatever they defend it with - the more reasons why they should be locked out of the public for good!
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    @Hazarth banging 14yo girls in the 1970s was illegal, both in the US and the UK. He is a pedo. End of discussion.
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    @devJs the einstein list is publicated. You know what's gonna happen now?! NOTHING! How does that feel?
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    He wrote the stairway to heaven but he ain't gonna see it!
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    @retoor Einstein? You mean that jew that wore female shoes? Well, he might be one too!
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    @kiki How much time has to pass before you don't think of a person as a pedo since last offense? If he didn't do anything for 500 years would you be willing to reconsider? Just because he had relations with an underage kid in the past doesn't really mean he is attracted to them now or even back then...

    If we really want to get technical, then paedophilia is technically being attracted to kids aged 13 and less... so by the medical definition he's not... but in the eyes of the law he is... but then you also have the statute of limitations, which in this case I think is only 5 or 10 years... So even by law he's cleared *today*...

    It's not as clear cut as you'd like it to be in my opinion.
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    @Hazarth people don’t live for 500 years, so no. Pedo once — pedo for life.
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    he was part of the CIA subversion to kill off the hippy movement so USA could do more wars

    and CUA is all about worshipping them demons. best demon worship is fucking up kids. you can find willing kids in bad countries if you wanted to do actual pedophilia but the satanists specifically want to tap your very soul, so they choose well-off family kids who have untarnished souls, lots of fight, and they delight in breaking that person down. and if you start out broken or become broken, you are no fun and they discard you
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    @Hazarth so pedos are actually lizard people. it's a normal person and they became so depraved through corruption (sometimes they had no chance, like raped as a kid... a lot of pedos had really fucked up childhoods, tons of abuse of various forms) that they "fall" and then become possessed by a demon/lizard. then this lizard wants to corrupt and consume more souls. so they become attracted to "the innocent" and derive delight from corrupting souls. by raping kids they can corrupt their souls and make them possessable by more demons/lizards. and that's how they enter this dimension

    can you do an actual exorcism? I don't know. but the problem is that even if you get the demon out, the vessel still has all those memories... they are still tormented by them. so they'll be possessed again because they can't not suffer

    but when a person dies their soul leaves their body, they go into the light, and the light overwhelms and shocks them so much they lose their memories

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    Relationships between 14 year olds and grown adults had been controversial already before the french revolution, people just didn't tend to make sweeping statements as much because they had access to a smaller fragment of the world.
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    "while not resulting in legal action" does not logically imply "it was okay back then". just that, for some reason, nothing happened.
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    @tosensei defends pedos
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    @kiki if that's what you wanna read into this - you do you.

    at this point, informing you that you're acting 100% illogically, and that i merely pointed out that the conclusion you drew between those two facts is inane would be pointless.
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    @tosensei if everywhere you go smells like shit maybe it's you
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    If everywhere you post there's nonsense maybe it's you...
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    @CoreFusionX that's like, just your opinion, maaan!

    it makes sense to me!
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    Yeah, except you like to give opinions and facts the same weight.

    Let me illustrate you. Opinions are like asses. Everyone has one, and most of them stink.

    In that sense, you are a skunk.
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    Oh, and I'm gonna get ahead of you, because I can foresee the retort. I'm an incel, or whatever is fancy to say to whoever shows you the truth.

    Again. Asses.
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    @CoreFusionX oh. I was trying to figure out why you came out of nowhere attacking me suddenly. made a joke to somebody maybe you're still butthurt about the incel thing. guess it's still on your mind

    idk go screw someone and feel better. am not your dumpster. very unattractive behaviour -- and I don't mean that sexually in case you get the wrong idea and think everything is about sex wars
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    You see, not only did I predict your reaction, I only used your same reasoning.

    Literally, I only changed four out of nine words and kept the meaning the same.

    I don't know, go see if you can get butt hurt some other way...
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