Would you say black people are more aggressive than other races?

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    Have you met the Chinese?
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    I'd guess white people would be the most aggressive

    cuz colonialism proved the point

    aggression is about defending territory or gaining something you wish to be your territory. white people don't look aggressive as a race, they can be aggressive while maintaining composure, and this makes them effective in their aggression relative to other races evidently... since they started ruling everyone despite being a minority

    though what people assume is aggression is just impulsivity: if someone is easily triggered into aggressive displays towards you. which is gonna apply to anyone whose boundaries are crossed. like a mama protecting her cubs. those who end up in prison are considered more aggressive but they just can't do impulse control for such and such reasons
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    @jestdotty is this why I am passive aggressive?
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    @fruitfcker I don't know about asians in general, but a dude told me a story. He was in the south pacific somewhere (no idea where, probably not japan). Every time he would get in line some place japanese people would cut in line. So he got a t-shirt that featured a nuclear explosion. The shirt read: "Made in America, tested in Japan". They never cut in line ever when he wore that shirt. Probably would have been arrested in Japan though.

    edit: Dude literally took the nuclear option, lol.
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    Depends on what @antigermgerm / @tosensei say but probably they just reject the question and call you stupid. You'll never know.
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    It depends. In South Africa, the majority of the population (about 80%) are black Africans and the statistics show that they do most of the violence.

    Please see this link (focused on homicides): https://researchgate.net/figure/...
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    @Demolishun highly unlikely that majority of Japanese will do this. If there's something they really like to do, it's falling in line. Especially if the thing they're lining up to is really good. Also, Japanese don't like to feel shame. Honor is a big thing in Japan. Like they would rather die than bring shame to their family.

    The Chinese however (especially the ones from the mainland), are a different breed. They would cut in line, be noisy, litter, arrogant, rude and just dgaf everywhere they go. There was an incident in Thailand where a group of Chinese tourists was just wasting food at a buffet.
  • 0
    @int32 TheY Do MoSt Of The ViolENce? So what, idiot, you think the black genes makes them more animalistic or something
  • -1
    I'm not black and I'm very aggressive. Especially towards racists idiots lmao I wish i could stab a few before I die. Just imagine their stupid white-wingers eyes showing their inability to understand as the blood in their throat prevent them to articulate "But... but... crime stats!!!"

    Read a book you fkn idiot
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    @retoor exactly. I reject the question and call them stupid. It's 2020, we know most of the behavior is influenced by the environment, not genes. It's like kindergarten science at this point. It's like if i was asking if the sky was green.
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    @antigermgerm even worse, you're as white as they come.
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    @retoor I know but my wife's african and I don't like some idiot to call her small brained. She have a freaking phd
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    @antigermgerm that's very impressive for her smal brain. J/k. Common, what does it matter. She has a PhD so indeed, what does that so called smaller brain matter? Facts are facts. Nobody said stupid bevause of that or so.
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    @retoor because it's not "facts". It's racist bullcrap from an appartheid survivor.
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    @jestdotty being ambitious is not the same as being aggressive!

    As someone said, look at the chinese or japanese... Or hell, look at any islam country.

    White and black people pale in comparison to mongols and turks historically speaking. Even our religions tend to be religions of peace and fascinated by life and death more than ethnic clensing or domination...

    But it might also be a moot point these days since we're pretty racemixed already.

    Pretty much every continent has It's violent history anyway, and if your look far enough you gonna find ugly shit on everyones list. These days blacks could be more aggressive because the world supports them in being angry with whites and in general we just keep making people more and more angry with each other. The races, the sexes, the religions. It's almost as if someone benefited from us fighting ourselves rather than the *real* enemy :))))
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    @Hazarth exactly. They keep us divided between race, gender, wealth, trans people, politics, whereas we should just unite against the real enemies.

    The germans
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    @antigermgerm i meant the politicians, the big corps and the rich pedos.

    But you almost got it
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    @Hazarth yh i was joking
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    @Hazarth also there's a thing called the racial pacts. White people should unite with colonized to destroy capitalism but they chose fascism.
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    @Hazarth being ambitious just means being brainwashed and being aggressive. so kind of the same thing but worse I guess

    I got called ambitious when I was a kid but I'm not ambitious. couldn't for the life of me figure out wtf it is. just read a book and it made it make sense. ambitious people seek to achieve things society tells them to. yeah I don't do what other people tell me to. if someone tells me to do something I lose all interest in it -- what do I get out of it? oh, nothing? typical. oh I even get parasitized on the way? lmao why would I do something FOR you, especially when you're so dishonest? it's like pissing and saying it's raining. I can bitch about this for a while actually

    when I was a kid I was very goal-orientated, so this trades business owner guy I gamed with thought I'd grow up to be very ambitious... but I'm lazy as fuck. I'm nobody's bitch. I don't care what you want me to do

    what's your definition of ambition? you got a good one?
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    @jestdotty Wow, i'll keep the statement "ambitious people seek to achieve things society tells them to" in mind. Nice one.
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    @jestdotty there is no "my definition". The word already has a definition:

    "having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich"


    "If a plan or idea is ambitious, it needs a great amount of skill and effort to be successful or be achieved"

    Nothing to do with society, brainwashing or aggression. It's all about wanting to do something that is difficult for you, or even seemingly unachievable, but wanting to do it anyway and putting in the work and effort.

    A project can be ambitious, like wanting to write a whole OS on rust. Nothing aggressive nor brainwashed there and definitely nothing to do with society.

    When I said white people are ambitious I mean they always wanted to build stronger, go further and fly higher than others. If you have that mindset on a race-wide level you get massive expansion. The observed result we have today. It's not all good, but ambitions are not good or evil. It's a good frame of thought for success, but that's all
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    @retoor don't keep it mind, It's semantically incorrect.

    That's just a subset of ambitious people, the actual set of ambition is much broader than society itself.
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    @Hazarth sounds like brainwashing to me

    those are not objective terms, but pointers

    it's like saying "it is what we say it is"

    if I think success is eating yogurt every day I am successful. if I think richness means richness of spirit, then I am rich. but nobody looks at a homeless nomad and thinks of them as "ambitious". so it's clear the actual applicable definition is something else that is not said in that dictionary

    money is made up btw. so why is rich even there? "we" print it out of thin air, to incentivize people to do what the government wants them to be doing. how is this not brainwashing? this is what people think rich means. when a cake can be rich in taste. but if you're rich in taste, are you considered rich/ambitious? nope. if the music you produce has rich notes, does that make you rich/ambitious? nope. richness in these contexts means depth, but there's nothing deep about made-up papers and moneys. they're flat. so it's clear it's nonsense, at least to me
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    @antigermgerm ad hominems. Classy as fuck. The fact is that they do most of the violence because they form the largest part of the population in South Africa specifically. Don't know about other countries.
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    @int32 wait you didn't even mean that per capita????

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    @jestdotty definitions contain examples so people know in what context the term applies. Don't get too hooked up on one Word and skip the others.

    You make your own path and being ambitious means literally taking the longer and harder path. Ambitions are good for people and have nothing to with society brainwashing you. If you choose to see it that way because you're lazy or gave up on ever making anything big or cool, or traveling an interesting path, or maybe because you just dream small that's on you.

    Some ambitious examples:
    - Traveling the world
    - Curing a common but currently uncurable illness
    - Fixing the current state of education
    - releasing 5 books a year and getting good ratings when you have no skill

    Ambitions can be selfish but also selfless. It's all about trying to dostinguish yourself from the masses. It can be money, but it can also be fame, honor or superiority in any topic or form. It can dostinguish you in the world, or just in your group of friends.
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    @Hazarth hmm not sure why you're insulting me. oh well. you are quite naive. this is not meant as an insult but figured I'd just leave it there

    this conversation has ceased being interesting to me now because I don't think you have anything to contribute to the discussion
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    @jestdotty sorry if I pushed it a bit too hard, didn't want to insult you.

    what I should've said is that I think you're misrepresenting the word on purpose to push some sort of agenda. I let it get to me and ended up making it personal and for that I apologize.
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    @Hazarth I'm not misrepresenting to push something

    also I made big and cool things all the time. I couldn't not do it. there's a reason people kept calling me ambitious... as I said in the backstory earlier. I just never felt it applied. I was trying to figure out what they meant by ambitious a long time, because it didn't make sense to me. standing out for me is very easy. I can't even empathize wanting to stand out -- it's just natural to me. I can tell you all about what happens when you stand out though, and it's not as people seem to interpret that "dream" being. and again it's not like I had one bad situation the one time I stood out... I mean it seems to be a trap, repeatedly. but it appears to me you are inexperienced and also not a very good conversationalist, and somewhat stuck in whatever these perceptions you have are. so I don't see a reason to continue discussing since I predict more insults that don't fit me and no useful answers for my existence
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    @jestdotty Ouch. But fair enough. I don't know you and you don't know me. Doesn't mean you can go around selling your own personal headcanon definitions of words to people all willy nilly. I mean you can, cause it's the internet, but you're contributing to the butchering of words by doing it.
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    @Hazarth I could be writing the same thing to you, then?
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    @Hazarth I can't remember the word, but one of the dictionary companies changed a definition of a word used by someone being confirmed for the supreme court. They changed the word definition right after the candidate used the word during confirmation talks. So when people who didn't know the what the word meant had to look it up. They did this to try and make the candidate look bad socially and politically. I cannot remember what the word was though. It was like 4 years ago.

    If previously respected institutions are willing to do crap like this for political reasons then the language is kinda fucked already.
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    ye the dictionaries get changed in sus ways... I've seen some weird instances also but if he thinks I'm pushing narratives that would fit pushing narratives. since all those instances come from the conspiracy theorists and that would open up a can of worms...

    but even in the 90s people used lots of words whose definitions were not in the dictionary, created via the internet. "lol" took like 20 years (is it even in there yet? I don't know. I remember arguing with people about how it's not a real word though)

    I think it's more important to care about what people mean when they say a word than what some authority is telling you the word "really means"

    and what I was doing above, and what is my plane of concerns and how I navigate existence with my head cannon or whatever, is philosophy. which is like applying thought-math to existence so you can figure out how to navigate it more sanely. lots of people find that insane and that's fine; just a matter of their opinion and IDC 🤷
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    @Demolishun It's only fucked if we let it be fucked. And *some* people are letting it. I refuse to contribute
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