Big corps love dropping half-baked, bloated, undocumented nightmares and calling it innovation. You dig through their spaghetti APIs, fight cryptic error messages, and by the end,you realize its just another trap. Zero transparency. Zero respect for devs.

But hey, I’m not here to promote anything. Definitely not gonna mention NativeBridge.io , a lightweight, actually usable alternative that won’t ruin your day. Nope. Wouldn’t dare. That would be against the guidelines. Just saying if something magically appeared that actually worked, I wouldn’t be mad.

  • 3
    There's actually nothing in guidelines against that so calm your titties.

    Edit: native bridge is not such a bad product if pwas don't get supported better but they freaking should! I add pwa to all my webapps because they rock.
  • 1
    @retoor I am a man calming down my testicles instead
  • 2
    @Demonslayerr sure, sure you are big boii
  • 2
    @Demonslayerr You can calm both, probably. Worth a try.
  • 0
    Fuck, even my garbage webpage has better load times.

    Thank you for the flashbang, fucker.
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