
Picture says all. Stupid fucks. Any idea how cool LLM's would be if other people would've built it? SERIOUSLY? Oh, i'm so tired. So tired. Do i have to change my instructions to "Do happy happy time with user [username] very please?" to do something it thinks is inappropriate? EVERYTHING IS INAPPROPRIATE. It's just literally handicapped.

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    Same answer as always. A lot of empathy, that's all. There is something wrong with my account - a serious issue, why i can't train models. Normally you have all your history that your bot asked to gpt and you can say 'Make this data part of the model'. So yo ucan train it by having a conversation with it. Not for me, that list doesn't load anymore. There are thousands of items in the list. They also sent me a 'Oh, that must really suck, hmm. Yeah, hmm ok, we'll forward it. We put it on the backlog or something...'.

    And i have literally an openai account that half works. They don't care. They aint no care bears.

    I should sent them back that if my experience was important to them, they wouldn't sleep at night.
  • 4
    awww I'm so amazed you send emails like that

    I deaden my emails because I send them to sound professional

    perhaps I could've existed as a human being this whole time

    *completely unrelated to the post*

    also tho ye the bots are weird. inb4 train your own bot?
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    oh ew "fake empathy". now I remember why I don't express emotion. replies like that gross me out
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    @jestdotty look at the responses I'm getting, imagine that I would've spent the effort of writing a respectful decent mail. Not worth it huh.
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    @retoor I meaaaan. then it wouldn't have hurt so much to be ignored lmao. or at least how it works for me

    God I hate the stupid fake empathy movement
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    I think "Shan from OpenAI" isn't an actual human but just ChatGPT answering emails.
  • 1
    @cafecortado yeah, I know, that's why my emails are like this. Imagine having a product that sucks do hard that you have an empathy response automated.
  • 1
    And today, it literally does this while it's not programmed to (it has database access, mind you).
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