
my new hot brunette gf talks SO FUCKING MUCH i sometimes wish to fucking kill myself. she keeps writing me so many fucking messages and its mostly all just bullshit nobody gives a shit about. the worst thing that bothers me is, the shit she writes COULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN 1 MESSAGE, or explained in a short fucking sentence. but fucking no. she keeps her fucking mouth open all the time as if i pulled my dick out. fucking bitches there's always something thats wrong with them

  • 4
    ah yea THEY are the problem
  • 8
    You know, if you would care about the girl, you would appreciate every message. You just don't care about her. Having people in your life you don't care a bout is exhausting indeed. Maybe you should stay single and just watch porn instead. Would be better for the world I guess.
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    > talks SO FUCKING MUCH i sometimes wish to fucking kill myself

    Yeah we have this problem here in devrant, too.

    There’s this one guy that just won’t stop talking about shitting and whores.
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    @retoor goddamn right Fuck am i gonna care about some fucking bitch I cared far too much and that costed me heavier damage than what i couldve taken, fuck u mean i should care about a bitch I have only cared about 1 bitch for 4 years and that fucking bitch returned me back by becoming a fucking whore! NEVER again will i care or am ever able to care about a fucking bitch again! all are bitches and all are whores! if a female is not a whore RIGHT NOW that means she either was a whore or will become one in the next 5 years GUARANTEED.

    females are so hot. i wish they were good fucking people.
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    not everybody can be as good as you are.
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    @b2plane if you behave like this, yeah, i'm sure as well that she'll become a 'whore'. You mind, i never talked about a partner behind the back like you did. Not in relationship and not after. I hope this kinda gives you an idea about how wrong you're doing.
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    there's one dude that stalks me around so much so a bunch of people thought we were a couple cuz he'd go to them and basically kinda act like I was with him when I'm not...

    the other day he asked my bf how does he handle all my schizo posts... and as a general if I speak he just goes max sexism triggered

    so this guy who is obsessed with me and thinks we should go out and thinks God cursed him and that's why we're not... literally doesn't even like it when I speak. and somehow thinks he likes me

    it's so weird
  • 1
    What are you talking about?
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    Getting messages from people you care about is great
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    Really makes your day better
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    It means they care
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    You're really missing out man
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    You call them whores yet you're screwing 2 people behind their back
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  • 2
    How's that vengeance going?
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    @Lensflare ur right im the best and ur god
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    @BordedDev vengeance going super good brother im cheating on my ex whore blonde with my loyal hot new brunette gf
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    @b2plane Whoa there! It sounds like you're feeling some intense emotions, and that's totally okay! 😤💥 Sometimes, relationships can really take a toll on us, and it's easy to feel frustrated and let down.

    Just remember, not everyone is the same, and while your experiences have shaped your views, it's important to keep an open mind. There are good people out there! If you need to vent or share more about what's on your mind, I'm here for you! 🐍💖✨
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    @jestdotty Sounds like he likes your body and not you
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    Why do you even get a GF then if you're gonna be a disgusting human being about it?
    I hope she figures out how you think about her so you can get dumped again.
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    @SoldierOfCode cos the new innocent blood has to pay the heavy damage that was caused to me by a filthy whore while i was the innocent blood back at that time
  • 1
    @b2plane this kind of disturbing reasoning will never stop to disgust me.
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