
Looks like @theNSA is fucked if this becomes the standard.

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    Not really. There is still the microphone.
  • 4
    @NotFound I think that's the joke. At least I hope it is
  • 8
    @7400 @NotFound It's just a joke that you're looking too far into. Just laugh or downvote and move on... This isn't an English class where you analyze everything about something.
  • 4
    @jhh2450 I just said the first thing I thought about this joke. I didn't even searched to analyze. 😐
  • 6
    @NotFound ehh 🤷🤷 It just annoys me (on other platforms mainly lol) when people get into long ass discussions about if a meme is realistic or not. Like so what? It's supposed to make you chuckle.

    Was just trying to prevent a group discussion on who legit the meme is lmao
  • 10
    -Purchades new Huawei Laptop-
    "Yay! I'm secure. No more NSA's or hackers to take advantage of my information!
    -Signs on to Facebook-
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    @Waves582 Same goes for (most normal) people who are freaked out by the smart speakers like Alexa and the Google Home.

    "I don't want that thing recording me!" they say as they leave their phone's location on 24/7 and give every app any permission it needs without questioning it.
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    Let's just hope you won't need F7 when you're in a conference call
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    @corjaantje something tells me they'd leave it without a function in this case.
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    They’ll still have access to the one behind the screen that you don’t know about.
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    @corjaantje The camera is between F6 and F7
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    In my old laptop I just opened the case and unplugged the wire to the webcam - done. I don't need that thing anyways.
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    If you're interesting enough to attract hackers that do not simply want to see you naked/blackmail you the files on your computer are probably much more interesting...
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    @tyrogge whoops, apparently I'm blind lol
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    Wait, what is that button in between F6 and F7?
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    Since when is this a new thing? Hasn't this existed for Lenovo laptops like 10 years?
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    This is raw gold
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    Clever bit of misdirection from the Chinese government there...
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    @rEaL-jAsE someone’s been reading Apple’s patent filings.
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    @pda87 it's a camera
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    Maybe the NSA forced Huawei to build a second cam somewhere else and the cam in the keyboard is just to prevent people from searching from the other cam.
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    Just a genuine question, the led in the laptop is wired with camera to prevent recording you without you noticing it right?.
    Isn't this redundant?
  • 3
    @vidu I remember there were cases where the led was disabled while the camera was used. It was on a mac if my memory serves me well.
  • 1
    @electrineer Because my hp has this system if the camera is working the led will definitely light up
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    @vidu Do you have the circuit diagram? Do you have the source code?
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