
Just got a new raspberry pi😊
some ideas for first project?

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    Play arround with nodered for a nice smart Home project
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    I personally love home assistant but there are more server style applications you could use your pi for. I even used a pi as a webhost for a while. OSMC is great as a media player. Retropie is cool for retro gaming. I currently use two pi's as a Sonos alternative by combining volumio with snapcast (Google it). Basically, the sky is the limit, just fall in rabbit holes and experiment!
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    Dust holder
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    VPN and AdBlocking client ;-)
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    Send me to the moon
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    Built mine to be a Kodi, streaming TV etc
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    Build a girlfriend
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    Run PiHole for starters, stop them nasty ads and malware.
    Then the world's your oyster. I recommend trying some hardware type projects using the GPIO header, basic led/button/sensor stuff then work up to something more complex like home automation or smart home stuff.
    I'm looking at an irrigation project to stop killing my plants from lack of watering.
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    @Michaelology great ideas, thanks!
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    @teganburns definetly going to try this
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