
Some years ago I was in cyber security in the military being shown some new tech for our use. Was challenged to try and get past it after being explained it's basics. Took me one long line in Linux about 10 seconds.
Anomaly detection firewall with machine learning seemed like a good idea.
Setting it to aggressive response and then change the package header to the firewall's own address however made it kill itself.

We didn't deploy that firewall that I know of.

  • 2
    That sounds really complex. Please slow down so we may gaze upon thy brilliance.
  • 2
    @tisaconundrum uhmmm... i'm sorry if it came across as grandious. It was just a obvious overlook of the firewall design at the time.
  • 0
    I was curious more about the machine learning part
  • 2
    Me too, but was never allowed to see it. It had to observe months of normal traffic to learn it as expected then anything too far outside the pattern would get a response.
    But saying any week of human traffic was normal proved tricky, also an unsurprising amount of porn in the logs for the military.
  • 2
    @Raich "Too little pr0n; Deploying counter-measures."
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