
anyone else just wake up one day and just isn't in the mood to do any work and feels like they are making no progress.

  • 3
    Yes. But as fellow professionals we work twice as hard that day 😀 crush it!
  • 2
    yup. Every friday
  • 4
    Productivity always at 100%. 99 is the lowest I've been.
    But no man's sky is coming out...
  • 1
    Drink a triple esspreso or an energy drink. It motivates the shit out of me !!
  • 0
    That was me today. I found myself faffing about the office quite a bit. I tested some JavaScript and that was it. Some days the tank is just on empty.
  • 1
    Sometimes you just need a mental health sick day, nothing wrong w that. Do it a lot though, and maybe you should consider looking for a job/career/life that makes you happier
  • 0
    I start feeling this way when nearing the end of a project, but there is still that one big thing that has to get done before it can be classified as complete. I usually blast some up beat music on the drive into work.
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