So a lot of games have in game fake operating systems. They are usually just standard fare utilitarian. I got to thinking that maybe I will have a brand of OS in game that is loosely similar to certain IRL OSes. However, I want to have at least one in game brand OS that insults the user.

user: <clicks on browser in fake computer OS> (loosely based on IE)
computer OS: Don't use that you stupid asshole!
user: ...

  • 2
    I like it. Could be funny!
  • 0
    I don't see this realistically happening unless the gameplay itself is mainly based around computers - it would be way too low on the priority list, and you know how rushed to release many modern games are.
  • 3
    so like fallout computers you gotta hack but they're all the same insufferable personality?

    in EYE cybermancy the computers would even try to hack you!
  • 1
    The one in 'Resident Evil' was a fun touch.
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