I really fucking hate CSS. I have no idea how to use it and all my websites look like complete shit. I’m cool with JavaScript and some of its libraries and frameworks, but css is a bitch.

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    @NoMad tried that . Suck at that too.
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    @tropicalTaquito Bulma or if you use Vue Buefy.
  • 5
    Hire a front end
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    I fucking hate css too :) and even though i love my manager she insists on having me do css bs all fucking day.

    Its killing me.
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    I dont hate css, i hate designing stuff. Give me a picture, i can implement it, just dont make me think of layouts and shapes and whatever.
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    css is easy, just remember, when you float right, all other things gonna float left by themselves, you get that, you get css :) and vice versa.
    or, you display none, and play a game
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    If you're not only ranting but willing to improve then start from the box model, which is at the core of the elements that you see, understood that it make easier and more rational understand the rest. There's a good course that I found on Udemy:
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    Use sass or just add material design classes to your elements 😂😂
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    On my work it is just the same. I have a lot of respect for the people that work at the backend. But when they need something in CSS I’m like; lemme help you.

    Maybe check some design tutorials? :)
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    @drtokky eh I use float like once every 3 months
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    I can hear your pain. I just can't stand it too. There's madness in the frontend path. Pure madness.
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    @cabrasm "Vanilla CSS"?
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    seems you need drag and drop builder
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    @Fexell I believe that is a not too overly complicated css
  • 4
    Maybe look at a mirror and see who the real bitch is.
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    Search up BEM that might help
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    @cabrasm I get it, but calling it "Vanilla" seems weird to me.
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    Why do you all hate CSS? D:
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